Mini Cactus Kit Care

--->Watering and care instructions:

-When you first plant the cactus start with it in an area with no direct sunlight. It can do well in low light areas so if you'd like to leave there it will do just fine. If you want to move it to a sunny window do so over about a week (it will have been in the box for a bit and will be a bit shy of the sun). Just be sure it won't get more than 4 hours of direct sunlight.


     -Mini Cactus give it 5-10 pipettes every 1 1/2-2 weeks during the summer and every 2-3 weeks in the winter.

     -Itty Bitty Mini Cactus at most 1 pipette every 1 1/2-2 weeks during the summer and 2-3 weeks in the winter.

-Be sure to not over water. Let soil dry completely between watering.

-Other things to note:

     -The cactus may take a few weeks to a couple of months to fully root.

     -Cacti grow very slowly and also will grow to their pot size. 

     -Cacti grow to their pot size so it's not necessary to re-pot.


     -Place a few rocks around cactus to help it stay upright while it is rooting.